You are here: mathematics > staff > Francoise Tisseur > Numerical Linear Algebra Group

Group meetings 2017/18. Semester 1

  • Tuesday 12 December 2017: Massimiliano on "Computing the action of the weighted geometric mean of two large-scale matrices on a vector".
  • 28 November 2017: Steven Elsworth on "RKFUNctions".
  • 21 November 2017: Pierre Blanchard on "A geometric view on biodiversity: scaling to metagenomics".
  • 31 October 2017: Martin Hanek (Czech Technical University in Prague) on "Application of the multilevel BDDC method to incompressible Navier-Stokes equations".
  • 24 October 2017: Gian Maria Negri Porzio on "A quick review of the algorithms for the Wiener-Hopf factorization".
  • 17 October 2017: Franco Zivcovich on "Backward error analysis for polynomial approximation of the matrix exponential".