You are here: mathematics > staff > Francoise Tisseur > Numerical Linear Algebra Group

Group meetings 2015/16. Semester 2

  • 28 June 2016: Sam Relton on"A Block Krylov Method for Computing the Action of the Derivative of a Matrix Function".
  • 7 June 2016: Nick Higham on what is new in MATLAB.
  • 31 May 2016: no group meeeting.
  • 24 May 2016: Chris Goodyer (Software libraries for ARM HPC) on "ARM Performance Libraries : Developing a new vendor maths library".
  • 10 May2016: Weijian Zhang on "A Linear Algebraic Approach to Graph Algorithms".
  • 3 May 2016: Mario Berljafa on " Implementing the (Parallel) Rational Arnoldi Algorithm".
  • 8 March 2016: Massimiliano Fasi on "Computing the Matrix Logarithm at High Precision".
  • 1 March 2016: miniworkshop on NEP (with C. Campos, D. Kressner and J. Roman),
  • 23 February 2016: Jundong Li on "Solving ill-conditioned linear systems with LU decomposition and preconditioned GMRES".
  • 16 February 2016: Matthew Gwynne on "a subspace approximation method for the quadratic eigenvalue problem".
  • 2 February 2016: Mante Zemaityte on "The shift and invert Lanczos algorithm for the solution of structural dynamics problems".
  • 26 January 2016: Jakob Sauer Jorgensen on "How few projections are enough? Predicting performance of sparsity regularization in X-ray tomography".
  • 19 January 2016: Sam Relton on "Estimating the Largest Elements of a Matrix".
  • 12 January 2016: Fran on "Max-blancing Hungarian Scalings".