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Group meetings 2015/16. Semester 1

  • 1 Decembre 2015: Peter Kkandolf on "exponential integrators".
  • 24 November 2015: Massimiliano Fasi on "Gustafson's proposal for a New Number Format".
  • 17 November 2015: Nick Higham on "work flows".
  • 10 November 2015: Javier on "Fiedler-like linearizations" (date to be confirmed).
  • 20 & 27 October 2015: No group meeting.
  • 13 October 2015: Mario on "Parallelization of the Rational Arnoldi Method".
  • 6 October 2015: Scott Ladenheim on "Constraint preconditioning for the coupled Stokes-Darcy system".
  • 29 September 2015: Natasa on"Symmetric Principal Pivot Transform and Semidefinite Lagrangian Subspaces".
  • 22 September 2015: Weijian on "An Introduction to Evolving Graphs".