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Group meetings 2014/15. Semester 2

  • 28 July 2015: Massimiliano Fasi on "Combining Backward and Forward Recovery to Cope with Silent Errors in Iterative Solvers".
  • 16 June 2015: Weijian Zhang on "Analyzing Evolving Graphs".
  • 9 June 2015: Jennifer Pestana on "Nullspace preconditioners for saddle point problems".
  • 2 June 2015: Sven Hammarling on "Brief History of Punched Cards".
    28 April 2015: Claude Bajada on clustering diffusion tractography data using the Fiedler approach.
  • 21 April 2015: Edvin Deadman on "Taylor's Theorem for Matrix Functions".
  • 14 April 2015: Natasa Strabic on an "Acceleration method for alternating projections".
  • 17 March 2015: no group meeting.
  • 10 March 2015: Thomas House on "Some numerical problems from mathematical epidemiology".
  • 3 March 2015: Weijian Zhang on "An Extensible Test Matrix Collection for Julia".
  • 24 February 2015: Vanni Noferini on "Duality of matrix pencils, Wong chains, and linearizations".
  • 3 February 2015: Stefan Güttel on "New Applications of Rational Krylov Methods: Computing perfectly matched layers via RKFIT".
  • 27 January 2015: Mario Berljafa on "Generalized rational Krylov decompositions and rational least squares approximation".
  • 20 January 2015: Mike Croucher on "Research Software Engineering - An alternative career in academia".
  • 13 January 2015: Weijian on "Matrix Depot: Testing Numerical Algorithms in Julia".