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Group meetings 2011/12. Semester 2

  • 14 August 2012: Nick Dingle "On the (Page)Ranking of Professional Tennis Players".
  • 24 July 2012: Nick Dingle on "Inexact sparse matrix-vector products in the calculation of passage time distributions in large semi-Markov models"
  • 17 July 2012: talk on "A Wilkinson-like multishift QR algorithm for symmetric eigenvalue problems and its global convergence" by Kensuke Aishima.
  • 12 June 2012: Practice talk by Leo and Sam.
  • 22 May 2012: Ramaseshan on "Minimizing communication in sparse matrix-vector multiplication using a novel sparse format"
  • 15 May 2012: no group meeting today at 10am. See Fran's talk in the Tropical Mathematics Seminar and Reading Group at 12:00 in FA2.
  • 8 May 2012: Edvin and Nick about "Version control".
  • 1 May 2012: Mary Aprahamian on "The matrix unwinding number".
  • 24 April 2012: Lijing Lin on her recent work on an improved algorithm for fractional matrix powers and the Frechet derivative.
  • 17 April 2012: Natasa Strabic (University of Zagreb) on the Cholesky algorithm for symmetric matrices.
  • 27 March 2012: Francoise Tisseur on "Function of Structured Matrices".
  • 20 March 2012: Edvin Deadman on "A Recrusive Blocked Algorithm for Computing the Matrix Square Root".
  • 13 March 2012: Leo Taslaman on Meerbergen's Q-Arnoldi method and Bai & Su's SOAR algorithm for large quadratic eigenvalue problems.
  • 6 March 2012: Nick Higham on "Org mode - a tool for note taking, task management, producing LaTeX documents and web pages, literate programming, and reproducible research".
  • 28 February 2012: Ruediger Borsdorf on "A Two-Sided Optimization Problem Arising in Chemistry".
  • 21 February 2012: Ramaseshan on "Optimizing sparse matrix vector multiplication using a novel representation".
  • 14 February 2012: Sam Relton: "Frechet derivative for the matrix logarithm and computation of the condition number".
  • 7 February 2012: Yuji Nakatsukasa: "SVD and the symmetric eigenvalue problem".
  • 31 January 2012: Nick Higham on citations
  • 24 January 2012: Marcin Paczkowski (University of Leeds) on "Comparison of one- and two-sided communication paradigms of MPICH2 implementation of MPI".
  • 17 January 2012: Nick Dingle: Communication avoiding in CG.
  • 10 January 2012: No group meeting. Linear Algebra Aspects of Solving PDEs with Random Data workshop.